Saturday, February 03, 2007

More Valentine's Day mood music

Next in the Valentine's Day music series:

Nellie McKay's debut album, Get Away from Me.

This album is strange in the extreme, mixing cabaret, jazz, pop, and rap (yes, rap) to create a wholly unique sound. A lot of the songs sound like something out of a cabaret in postwar Paris, a little tarnished and quirky. But the real reason this is one of my favorite Valentine's Day albums is because of its bitingly ironic attitude toward life and love. In "I Want to Get Married," McKay sings, "I want to get married/ I need to cook meals" and "I want to exhume the gloom of my shallow life/ I want to be simple and honest and dimpled, 'cause I am your wife."

"Ding Dong" is a surprisingly peppy and appealing song about clinical depression, and "Clonie" features some of my favorite lines on the album: "Who knew I could look so good/ Just talkin on the phone to/ Clonie," and the "Mother Nature, don't you call her phony/ She's my clonie."

Guaranteed to put you in the right frame of mind for Valentine's Day.

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